Stock Market Dynamics, federal reserve Edition. Part 3 of 3. @Exis10tial & Brian Engelman Chat.

“Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman once again welcomes special guest @Exis10tial to discuss ways that we can better understand how the stock market works.

Grab a soft drink, & sit down for some easy to understand financial information & chatter.

Today’s episode covers:
– the federal reserve,
– market volatility,
– high frequency trading,
– a possible interest rate hike,
– historical stock market trends in the month of September
– Kayne West, Kim Kardashian

and much, much more. 🙂

You can follow Exis10tial on Twitter @: @exis10tial

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Lightning Stikes After Pope Steps Down, Then Meteor Blasts Russia! Listen To “Agree To Disagree”

Radio host Blake “The Eccentric” Walley once again joins Brian Engelman on “Agree To Disagree”

This week in the “Top Story Extravaganza”, they discuss:
– Pope announces he will step down, then lightning hits St. Peter’s
– Huge meteor blast in Russia injures thousands with the force of a nuclear blast
– Cop killer Christopher Dorner dies as a cabin in Big Bear, California is burned
– Yet another cruise ship disaster ends as the vacationers are rescued
– England is pressing journalists to reveal their “whistleblower” information
– Central banks are buying more gold than they have in a very long time & once again, fiat currency & money printing techniques are debated
– Alex Jones keeps talking about gun grabs, 2nd Amendment violations, the Global elite who might be pushing for civil unrest, but might underestimate the resistance from the People
– Susan Rice appears on “The Daily Show” to talk Benghazi & more
& Dick Cheney endorses Barack Obama’s secret drone program that can kill without charge or trial.

– Check out Blake’s “Eccentric Perspective” radio show each Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday from noon – 1:30pm pst on:
– Subscribe to his podcast by searching “Eccentric Perspective” on iTunes
– Check out his home page at:

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Lions Of Liberty Discuss “The Real Crash” Why Peter Schiff Is Still Right

Check out this recent financial article by our friends at Lions Of Liberty: “The Real Crash: Why Peter Schiff Is (Still) Right”


December 21st, 2012, Mayan Calendar & Predictions With Dr. Jose Jaramillo On “Agree To Disagree” With Host Brian Engelman. Plus Pasha Roberts Talks federal reserve, Silver & Ron Paul & His “Silver Circle Movie”.

Friday 03_09_12’s “Agree to Disagree” program was fantastic!

In the first half of the show, we spoke about 2012, the Mayan Calendar, prophesies, predictions, history & more with Dr. Jose Jaramillo.
The Alignment Within is now available on DVD
Order your DVD now at:
(Bio is below)

In the second half of the show, we spoke with director Mr. Pasha Roberts about silver, gold, the federal reserve private bank, Ron Paul, & his new movie:

Dr. Jose Jaramillo bio:
The time has come!

“Everybody talks about the law of attraction, and yes it is a very powerful tool. It can take you anywhere you want to go. But, where do you really want to go? That’s what the Mayan calendar is going to tell you.”
Dr. Jose Jaramillo

His film invites you to think if you are in touch with the Global and Personal Alignments that are happening now at the completion of the great Mayan Cycle. Do you know how to align yourself with these changes through the daily use of the Mayan Calendar?

The directors of this film are presenting to the world that the Mayan calendar literally give us a practical and specific process that provides to each individual the right “spiritual guidance.” The Mayan calendar is the right tool that would help humanity to empower individuals to change their life in sync with this cosmic time flow.

In today’s world more and more people are using the Mayan calendar and they all conclude that there is no better system to align our consciousness with the universe then the Mayan calendar. Also they all agreed that the main purpose of the Mayan calendar is not only to align with the energies of the universe, but also to ultimately achieve an alignment within.

Send us a direct message on Twitter to join the show. You can also call in via Skype: TNAMradio


“Take the red pill” & end the federal reserve private banking corporation.

(Opinion piece from Tyler Whitmore Please leave a comment below to continue this discussion)

Perusing the news stories on my youtube channel each morning, it’s as if I’ve woken up in a bad dream where the whole world is buried under a pile of debt so massive that there is no way to ever escape it. While there is a growing sense among many that some sort of major disaster is on the horizon, the urgency of our situation is rarely reflected in the mainstream news. Turn on the television or pick up a newspaper and this whole debt crisis is presented as simply a matter of course. Our great leaders are putting their heads together to fix the problems and if the people would just cut out the pesky demands like wanting to vote on whether to sign their country over to the banks, it’s just a matter of time before we climb out of this “recession.” Always missing from the coverage is any discussion of the monetary system itself. Though our lives are controlled by these little green slips of paper that we call money, how many of us truly understand what money is, or where it comes from? A scene from “the Matrix” has become a common metaphor for the experience of “waking up”, or discovering the truth about the world around us. Neo can choose between taking the blue pill after which he will wake up in his bed “believing whatever he wants to believe” ,or taking the red pill and finding out “just how deep the rabbit hole goes.” Learning the history of the Federal Reserve Bank has definitely been a red pill experience for me, and I have been discovering just how deep the rabbit hole goes ever since.

I am certainly no economist. Though I have been making an effort to learn about our monetary system recently, I still find my eyes glazing over when the discussion starts to get too technical. Yet, looking into the nature of the Federal Reserve system, it is does not take an economist to discover this fundamental fact: we have been lied to. The discovery of this lie will have all of us questioning whether we are truly as free as we have been led to believe. It is a lie characterized by omission; one based not so much on what we have been told about our history, as on what has been deliberately left out. I mean, sure, everyone learned about “taxation without representation” and the Boston Tea Party in school, but just how is it that we never learned a thing about the fierce struggle between our founding fathers and the central banking powers of Europe. Why was there no mention of the great tragedy of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when the control of our nation’s money supply was handed over to a cabal of international banking families? I’m pretty sure that’s something that would have stuck with me. In fact, the more I look into the Federal Reserve, the more it becomes clear that the central fight this country has been waging since its inception is to keep the central bankers from taking over. There is a wealth of quotes from our founding fathers that confirm this. During the Civil War Abraham Lincoln stated, “I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me, and the bankers in the rear. Of the two the one in my rear is the greatest foe.” When asked by the Bank of England in 1763 why the colonies were so prosperous, Benjamin Franklin stated that it was entirely due to the ability to print their own money, known as colonial script. The Currency Act of 1764 ordered the colonists to stop this practice, and within just one year a depression had set in with the streets of the colonies filled with the unemployed. It was losing the ability to print their own money that truly pushed the colonists into the revolutionary war.

Thanks to the efforts of many of our early leaders, the first two attempts at establishing a central bank failed, and the third bank was almost singlehandedly shut down by Andrew Jackson, who referred to the bankers as “a den of vipers and thieves.” But the bankers did not give up easily, and in 1910 during a top secret meeting on Jeckyll Island off the coast of Georgia, seven men, between them representing one quarter of the world’s wealth, developed their plan for conquest. All of these men had strong ties to the Rothschild family who controlled the Bank of England, and by 1850, had amassed more wealth than all the families of Europe. Snuck through congress during the Christmas recess when most of the senators were not in attendance to vote, the Federal Reserve Act gave this cabal sole control of our nation’s money supply. The Bankers now had the power to create money out of thin air, which would then be loaned to our government at interest. And just who would be on the hook for paying off this interest? The American people, of course. It is no coincidence that the Federal Income tax began in 1917, just a few short years after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. By 1933, the country was bankrupt, forcing President Roosevelt to come up with a creative strategy for satisfying the banks. The government would now begin placing all birth certificates on file in Washington D.C., with each citizen being assigned a value based on projected future tax revenues. The American people had now become human debt collateral.

Since then, the Federal Reserve has continued to masquerade as a Federal institution while operating under as much secrecy as the CIA. For a window into the mindset of the financial elites behind the Fed, I submit this choice quote from Alan Greenspan, chairman for 19 years. When asked by Jim Lehrer what he believed was the proper relationship between the Fed chairman and the president of the U.S., Greenspan smugly replied, “Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically, that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are don’t, frankly, matter.” This is the same man who recently assured us that the United States would never be in danger of defaulting on its debt because we could always just print more money. This brazen admission of how the Fed functions illustrates why fiat currencies have always failed going back to the Roman Empire in the first century. With nothing backing a currency and no limits on the amount that can be printed, that currency will inevitably lose its value. Case in point: since the dollar was taken off the gold standard in 1971, it has lost 90% of its value.

So it is clear that the Federal Reserve system where a privately owned central bank prints money out of thin air to loan to the government at interest is not working for the benefit of the general population. This has led me to a deeper question: just what is the intended purpose of such a system? Who are the people behind it, and who on earth gave them the authority to be the controllers of all money? Herein lies the answer to why we have all heard so little about the true nature of our monetary system. The people behind the central banks of the world represent a network of power so vast that, until the advent of the internet, they were largely successful in keeping the general public in the dark as to the nature of their debt slavery. Through an interlocking network of roundtable groups, corporations, banks and tax free foundations, the money masters have been slowly but surely consolidating their power, using debt as their ultimate weapon in achieving their true goal: total control. Many still mistakenly believe that the current economic crisis, along with the steady deterioration of the quality of life in the United States is the result of a series of poor decisions, or the greed of “the one percent.” The red pill moment comes with the realization that crises are deliberately created and allowed to build in order for the elites to present their “solution.” You can be sure that this solution will always involve more control for a very small group of individuals, and less freedom for you and me. Today the idea that the United States would unite with Canada and Mexico under a common currency seems unthinkable to most Americans, but bring on a complete economic collapse and the desperate public will be crying out to their leaders for a solution.

The idea that crises might be intentionally created runs so contrary to what we have been trained to believe that is still often dismissed as the paranoid speculation of conspiracy theorists, yet it is uncanny the way the predictions of these “conspiracy nuts” have been coming true lately. In a 1961 speech, President Kennedy referred to this sinister plan for world domination as “a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence.” Back in Kennedy’s day the best way to learn the nature of this conspiracy was to look at the many choice quotes from the conspirators themselves, often found in the writings of elite organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1950, James Warburg, son of Paul Warburg one of the founders of the Federal Reserve, confidently declared to the U.S. Senate, “We shall have one world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” In the sixty plus years since these words were spoken, this agenda of the consolidation of power in the hands of a financial elite, and along with it, the erosion of national sovereignty of countries around the world has accelerated to the point where the conspiracy is no longer covert. Just take a look at Greece and Italy, the two latest countries to have their legitimately elected leaders replaced by technocrats from the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral commission. With each country in Europe, what is billed as a solution to its economic crisis always amounts to all the resources of that country being sold off to the banks for pennies on the dollar, and along with it a total loss of sovereignty. All of this is enabled by engineered crises, which are deliberately allowed to build to the point where the citizens of a country are then told by their political leaders that there is really no other choice but to give everything to the banks. These crises, such as the collapse of 2008, when we were told that martial law would be declared if the banks were not bailed out, amount to financial terrorism. Unlike the largely manufactured threat of Islamic extremism, which presents no real danger to the public, financial terrorism is a very real threat to all of us. Yet, as the growing police state subjects us to increasing indignities under the pretext of the war on terror, the banksters who have wreaked havoc on our society are allowed to increase their misdeeds with impunity. By now it should be clear who is really running the show.
For the past year, we have seen civil unrest explode as it becomes increasingly clear to people around the world that we have no future unless we can find a way to drastically change course. Here at home we have seen the emergence of the Tea Party, and more recently Occupy Wall Street. The members of the Tea Party point the finger at government while protestors at Occupy generally focus on the corruption of the banks and corporations. What many in these seemingly divergent groups don’t realize is that it is the Federal Reserve and the power structure behind it that is at the heart of the serious problems we face in our country today. We have been conditioned to view the world through a false left/right paradigm which keeps us rooting for our political party, or “team”, not realizing that both sides completely sold out to the money masters long ago. It is time for all Americans to wake up and unite against the real enemy. End the Fed!
