N. Korea Behind “The Interview” / Sony Hack A Literal “Wag The Dog” Move Toward Internet Regulation?

“Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman once again welcomes author, liberty activist, & radio host Blake Walley to discuss some of the stories that you might have missed between Christmas, & the first week of the NFL playoffs.

– Isn’t it interesting that “conspiracy theorists” were the ones who urged caution when blaming North Korea for hacking Sony?
– Is a literal “Wag The Dog” scenario playing out before our eyes?
– Is there enough evidence linking North Korea to the hack to place sanctions on them, attack their internet, and ratchet up a wartime atmosphere?
– Could the hack be used to ram through internet regulations that will restrict the 1st amendment rights of Americans?
– Should we be wary?

– 2 cops were shot dead in NYC in an appartent revenge killing for Eric Garner. How much blame should fall on mayor de Blasio, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, & President Obama?
– Do record temperatures provide evidence for “global warming” or “climate change”?
– Could low gas prices be a warning of potential trouble lurking around the corner?

Dan Johnson Of “The Solutions Institute” begins the show by explaining his new project that teaches & trains acivists to be more successful. His Online Activism Convention

& so much more! Just take a listen & offer your comments.

Check out Dan’s “Solutions Institute” at:
On Twitter @ActivistHelp
Check out PANDA’s site at: www.PandaUnite.Org

– Please follow Blake on Twitter @Eccentric99
– & check out Blake’s home page at: www.EccentricPerspective.com

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