Deciphering Why UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Stepped Down.

Trying to understand the importance of UN Ambassador Nikki Haley stepping down – Click Here To Read Full Story

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New Political Study Says Average Citizen Has Zero Effect On U.S. Policy:

by: Brian McWilliams

Lions of Liberty

In a revelation that will come as a surprise to very few who are educated enough to know how our current crony capitalist system works, a new study due to come out this fall has found that the average citizen in the United States has virtually zero impact on public policy or those who create it. From The Hill:

The new study, with the jaw-clenching title of “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens,” is forthcoming in the fall 2014 edition of Perspectives on Politics. Its authors, Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin Page of Northwestern University, examined survey data on 1,779 national policy issues for which they could gauge the preferences of average citizens, economic elites, mass-based interest groups and business-dominated interest groups. They used statistical methods to determine the influence of each of these four groups on policy outcomes, including both policies that are adopted and rejected.

The analysts found that when controlling for the power of economic elites and organized interest groups, the influence of ordinary Americans registers at a “non-significant, near-zero level.” The analysts further discovered that rich individuals and business-dominated interest groups dominate the policymaking process. The mass-based interest groups had minimal influence compared to the business-based interest groups.

The study also debunks the notion that the policy preferences of business and the rich reflect the views of common citizens. They found to the contrary that such preferences often sharply diverge and when they do, the economic elites and business interests almost always win and the ordinary Americans lose.

This news plays into the hands of liberals, who will decry the rich and the impact of big business on public policy. However, this is a position that begs them to look in the mirror as proponents of big government. The larger and more intrusive government gets… article continues…


“Stand Down” Orders Given 3 Times As Benghazi, Libya Attack Raged For 7 Hours!

Calls for help at the consulate in Benghazi, Libya were given 3 times, and were 3 times told to stand down while a 7 hour firefight ensued & claimed the lives of 4 Americans.

The New American Media petitions our Government for a redress of grievances & calls upon our Commander In Chief to immediately resign due to reckless endangerment, neglect, and failure to protect Americans in harm’s way.

This story is 10 times worse than Watergate, & we reject the repeated claims by Mr. Obama & Mrs. Clinton that a stupid youtube video caused the violence, or that violence is an acceptable reaction to the free speech rights of all Americans.

At the very best, this Libya massacre was reckless, sloppy, & poorly handled, at the worst, this could be a cover up of an even larger & more damning story that the Obama administration does not want to emerge prior to the election in less than 2 weeks.
