What Would A Progressive Utopia Look Like?

TNAM Opinion columnist Blake Walley offers his thoughts on what would happen if big government progressives in government had their way. All of it. Take a listen & offer your opinions below.

Blake “The Eccentric” Walley delivers a warning to the Progressives about where our future could be headed…

More from Blake:
twitter: @eccentric99

Have you ever wondered what a great progressive utopia would look like?

Me too!

[Simple Solutions for Progressive Problems] For educational purposes only πŸ™‚

The hyperlinked evidence:

Just how gullible are Obama supporters?

Obama: “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone!”

Executive Use of Power? Candidate Obama vs. President Obama:

Just how much has the debt gone up under Obama?

Does raising the debt ceiling increase our debt?

15 signs that we are near the peak of an absolutely massive stock market bubble:

Abandoning the U.S. dollar:

How to Pump up the Stock Market with Quantitative easing:

Believe the “official” employment numbers? Either do I:

Did they cook the employment numbers for the 2012 election?

Record numbers of people dependent on government?

19 Very disturbing facts about immigration that every American should know:

Is there an ulterior motive for why the Democrats want to push immigration reform?

The great cancer of socialism continues to spread:

Obamacare sticker shock:

The effect of new Obamacare health plans:

The most embarrassing efforts to spin CBO’s Obamacare report as “good news:”

Jimmy Kimmel savages Obamacare and uninformed young people who support it:

Obama’s Lie of the year regarding Obamacare:

Common Core: Obama’s Education Plan Sparks National Protest:

Arne Duncan is a liar: Common Core will destroy American Education:

Photo: Common Core Causes Anguish on 7 year old:

Arkansas Mom destroys Common Core in four powerful minutes:

George Carlin’s take on our education system?

The Gun Control Survey that Progressives hope you never see:

The Energy Crisis: Rap News 22 (special bonus)

Is the Climate Debate really settled? Marc Morano vs. Bill Nye:

Democrats against U.N. Agenda 21

Your future “shoebox” apartment (for the good of the earth of course):

Is global warming just a made-up scam?

Obama’s NSA Speech: Privacy is important… unless we decide it isn’t!

Why Obama’s dubious promise to end NSA surveillance is meaningless:

Obama fears arrest and is running scared from NSA scandal:

The Dinosaur Media’s Race to the Bottom: MSNBC is now 85% opinion!

CNN & MSNBC lose almost half their viewers in one year!

Did you know that the U.S. now ranks #46 in worldwide press freedom?

Feinstein: You’re not a real journalist unless you draw a salary:

Is this what the Great Progressive Utopia will eventually look like?

Has Despotism taken over America?

Peaceful Solutions for Impossible Problems:


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