Facebook Censors Republicans, Hillary’s Middle East Bribe, W/ Blake Walley & Brian Engelman

“Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman welcomes gonzo journalist Blake Walley to the “Agree To Disagree” radio show.

They discuss:
– Facebook has a history of conducting social media manipulation experiments on users by limiting or boosting stories that either make people angry or happy. Could Facebook possibly be trusted when they deny boosting left wing stories as “trending”, and “hiding” right wing stories?
– Plus, Hillary Clinton has allegedly taken in more than 100 million dollars from Middle Eastern influences. Should the American voter consider her to be too co-opted to get near the White House?
– Is Jeff Bezos using his media influence to do nearly the same exact thing, & is it essentially the same type of manipulation that the dinosaur media has been using for centuries, (but it’s all out in the open today)?

& a whole lot more!

Just take a listen & offer your comments.

– Please follow Blake on Twitter @Eccentric99
– & check out Blake’s home page at: www.EccentricPerspective.com

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