Will the ISIS Threat be Used for Homeland Repression?

by: Paul Joseph Watson


With ISIS militants now threatening to attack the United States, the huge domestic anti-terror apparatus that has been built over the last decade will inevitably be used as a tool of homeland repression not to eliminate ISIS terrorists but to target politically active Americans who are adversarial to the Obama administration.

As we have exhaustively documented, domestic law enforcement in the United States has become increasingly militarized in recent years, with police departments across the country purchasing MRAP armored vehicles that were first used to fight against insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

A recent major ACLU report warns that such vehicles are part of a transformation into militarized policing where Americans are treated “like wartime enemies.” Indiana Police Sergeant Dan Downing also recently admitted that the militarization of domestic law enforcement was to deal not with ISIS militants but with returning veterans who are now seen as a homegrown terror threat.

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Krugman, Chait, and Frum call the “Libertarian Moment” a Load of Bollocks

By: Evan McMurray


While libertarians, a group that often feels misrepresented in mainstream political discourse, were largely happy with Robert Draper’s piece in the New York Times Magazine about their moment in the sun, it didn’t take long for other columnists to call the idea of a “libertarian moment” a load of bollocks.

 New York’Jonathan ChaitNew York Times’Paul Krugman, and The Atlantic’David Frum(stepping back from the brink) all blew raspberries at the idea that this particular cross-section of free market economics, liberal social views, and non-interventionist foreign policy was suddenly ascendent in American politics. The primary point all three pieces made: younger voters, who are supposedly ushering in the movement, are more supportive of government intervention than their elders. As Chait summed up: “That young voters actually favor ‘bigger government’ in the abstract is a sea change in generational opinion, not to mention conclusive evidence against their alleged libertarianism.”

Chait explicitly critiqued the data from libertarian magazine Reason as intentionally skewed to support the libertarian shift; in fact, Chait argued, most voters who boast to pollsters that they’re independent are just cranky partisans who fall back along ideological lines in the voting booth.

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Critical Thinking and the Art of Presidential Prognostications: Blake Walley @ Freedom Fest.

TNAM’s Blake Walley interviews attendees at Freedom-Fest (the world’s largest gathering of free minds) in Las Vegas on a variety of issues: economic collapse, border crisis, impeachment, and early presidential favorites for 2016!


– Please check out Blake’s “Eccentric Perspective” radio show each Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from noon – 1:30pm pst at:http://www.FreedomizerRadio.com

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