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Author Topic: Despise the free lunch
Posts: 51
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Post Despise the free lunch
on: June 18, 2011, 19:48

What is offered for free is dangerous, it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for. By paying your own way you stay clear of gratitude, guilt, and deceit. It is also often wise to pay the full price, there is no cutting corners with excellence. Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating, for generosity is a sign and a magnet for power.

-Robert Greene

Posts: 157
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Post Re: Despise the free lunch
on: February 16, 2012, 01:49

That is a fantastic quote. Pretty long for a short quote of the day, but very nice.
I was listening to talk radio today about the U.S. social welfare program, and how people are rapidly finding it more & more difficult to pull themselves up out of a life expecting someone else to pay for their needs.
Americans have already put 16 trillion dollars onto a National credit card, & we're broke. We can no longer hand out money that we need to pay our own bills. We have nothing left over each month to hand out.
The United States needs to put on it's oxygen mask, because the airplane is starting to experience turbulence.
We can't help our neighbor with their mask until we put on our mask.
Politicians are promising away Oxygen that we need to survive.
Time to take a look at which politicians we ask to represent us.
Benjamn Franklin said that the best way to help the poor, is to make them feel uncomfortable in their poverty.
This is a paraphrasing, but I think you get the point.
Franklin believed that most people have the power & ability to become the creator of their own reality. Most people have a strong survival mechanism that can kick in during times of severe adversity.
I think there is a certain segment of the population that has physical, mental, or otherwise crippiling disabilities, and I love the concept of everybody trying to help those most in need.
In 2012 though, those who used to help out, now need the help. Some people could sure be working a lot harder, and the middle class is starting to turn against some exploitive elements in the lower economic bracket.
Some in the middle economic class look at people & families making a consistent series of poor choices & wonder why they need to subsidize that activity.
Some are trying to "eat the rich" and blame successful people for being successful.
I ask you to discuss this topic while referencing the 1957 Ayn Rand novel: "Atlas Shrugged".
I think that deceptive, shady, reckless, & unscrupulous opportunists on Wall Street, in the banks, in U.S. Government need to be prosecuted for crimes that have been committed, "inflation/theft" being one of them.
We should not look toward successful people with disdain.
We should remember that with a lifetime of hard work, wise decisions, & a focus on our passions, we too can become successful, comfortable, & strive toward that.
Despise the free lunch indeed.
Let's put on the oxygen mask, & ride this out together.
Fighting amongst each other isn't going to help the plane fly.

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