Bugging Out Tips W/ Former Military Contractor Justin King & Host Brian Engelman

“Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman once again welcomes former military contractor & journalist Justin King of The Fifth Column News.

Justin & Brian discuss:

– the 3 most important things that people need to always keep in mind during a bug out scenario,
– when should a bug in situation change to a bug out situation?
– what one item, (that weighs nothing) is the most valuable thing to take if bugging out?

& much, much, much more!

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Preparedness For Any Worst Case Scenario W/ Justin King & Brian Engelman.

“Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman welcomes former military contractor & journalist Justin King.

Justin & Brian discuss the most important things for people to do so that they can be prepared for any disaster or emergency that we all may encounter one day.

– They briefly discuss what is going on in Syria & how will the geopolitical dominoes fall in the months & years to come.

Then they cover different angles of preparedness including:
What gear to get,
What skills to hone,
What dangerous situations should be avoided at all costs,
& the mindset necessary to survive.

& much, much, much more!

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The Police State, Jade Helm, & Preparedness W/ Journalist Justin King & Host Brian Engelman.

“Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman welcomes former military contractor & journalist Justin King.

Justin discusses his advance work for military operations.
He signed up to do this job just days before September 11th, and let’s just say that Justin did a lot, saw a lot, and reconsidered right and wrong because of it.

Justin discusses serving prison time because of this work, and how he has shifted his focus toward journalism to cover important stories like:
– Is there a scret U.S. facility in Chicago, IL known as “Homan Square” where citizens are kidnapped and tortured?
– Who really created ISIS and why?
– How close was Ferguson to becoming a spark that lit a global powder keg?
– Is there a secret Green Beret connection to JFK that produced an elite & unspoken group of patriots who vowed to defend the U.S. citzens if the military was ever overthrown by “the wrong people”?

& much, much, much more!

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