Jason Whitlock Says, “NRA Is The New KKK”. Brian & Blake Defend The 2nd Amendment.

Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock said: “You know, I did not go as far as I’d like to go because my thoughts on the NRA and America’s gun culture, I believe the NRA is the new KKK. And that the arming of so many black youths, and loading up our community with drugs, and then just having an open shooting gallery, is the work of people who obviously don’t have our best interests [at heart].”

Jason’s comments piggyback the similar comments by Bob Costas that are implying that if guns were not available, bad things would not happen & former Chiefs player Jovan Belcher & his girlfriend would still be alive.

Does Bob Costas remember working with O.J. Simpson? Did O.J. kill without a gun? Should knives also be banned.

After the recent car crash where Dallas Cowboy player Josh Brent crashed a car that killed teammate Jerry Brown, should tires, or automobiles be banned, because without tires or cars, the players would still be alive.

Do either of these sports columnists even remember when Washington Redskins player Sean Taylor was shot in the upper leg by an armed intruder at his home & he later died. Could Mr. Taylor have protected his life if he had a gun to defend himself? We’ll never know. But here at The New American Media, we strongly support the right of everybody to defend themselves.

Please check out Blake’s homepage of: www.EccentricPerspective.com
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